The Power of OOH in the Gen-Z Digital Era.

It’s no secret that Gen-Z are a tech-savvy, media-hungry bunch. With that said, capturing the attention of these digital natives is not as straightforward as it might seem. Desktop or mobile-based ads may seem a good place to start…but did you know that 52% of Gen-Z use an ad-blocker? Whilst 54% and 46% of Gen-Z find desktop and mobile ads to be ‘annoying’, respectively*. Well then, you might ask, how do we go about engaging these elusive technophiles? 


That’s where Out-Of-Home (OOH) advertising steps in. According to a recent Kantar Millward Brown study, OOH is the preferred advertising medium amongst Gen-Z at 55%* – not our fault, promise! They even find it to be relaxing:

“Out of Home is seen as a passive medium, consumed by people as they journey through their daily lives. It’s seen as part of the landscape and there is a certain amount of control the audience has over Outdoor, reaching them at a time when they are generally more receptive to advertising and looking for distraction when out and about.”* 

In a nutshell, Gen-Z are typically not looking for their desktop and mobile experience to be interrupted by unwanted ads. Instead, they are much more amenable to OOH campaigns that allow them to engage on their own terms.

 *JCDecaux, 2017.

OOH also encourages businesses to inject more innovation and creativity into their ads – just check out our recent campaign with Disney Pixar. 

Check out some of our favourite OOH ads in recent times:

An incredible anamorphic ad by Amazon Prime Video in Piccadilly Circus.

We love dating app Thursday’s tongue-in-cheek approach.