We have been working in collaboration with the Co-op and Hype Collective on a very important campaign that you’ll want to hear about. The Co-op’s ‘Student Watch’ campaign is aimed at empowering students to support each other on campus and in their community to create a safer, happier environment. At Target Student, we are helping raise awareness of this crucial campaign to help support students by making them feel safe, connected, and informed.
At the core of the campaign’s mission are the following: improve student wellbeing, help students feel safer, develop campus communities, and reduce crime. Student Watch is powered by Neighbourhood Watch, with further support from Co-op Insurance.
What to expect from Student Watch
Student Watch provides a variety of resources and initiatives to support students in the following ways:
– “The Lookout” – a quarterly magazine written by students for students, featuring advice on safety, wellbeing, and local volunteering opportunities.
– Amplifying student voices – surveys and focus groups across the country will take place to ensure all students are heard.
– Discounts – exclusive discounts and offers, including a 10% student discount at Co-op stores.
– Volunteering opportunities – providing regular updates on opportunities to get involved with initiatives both on campus and in the wider community.
– Tagging events – in cooperation with the local police, regular events are run in which students are able to tag valuable belongings such as bikes, laptops, and TVs with postcodes in order to track them in the case of robbery or loss.
– Toolkits for campus events – provide a variety of resources to help students run on-campus events covering a wide range of topics, from student mental health to fundraising.
Target Student is proud to be supporting this worthwhile initiative throughout our network of screens across the UK. We hope it helps enrich student experiences and make them feel safe and connected in their home away from home.