A Match made in Heaven – Targeted Social And OOH Advertising.

Out-of-home (OOH) advertising on its own is an incredibly valuable advertising medium. But what if we were to tell you that OOH advertising can cause an ‘amplifier effect’ when used in conjunction with other digital marketing channels? In fact, 50% of consumers are more likely to engage with a mobile ad after seeing the same OOH ad (Visix & Geopath, 2020).


OOH advertising continues to be a largely misunderstood form of advertising. Once known as a purely dedicated channel for driving brand awareness, in recent years, OOH has evolved to provide a more significant role than simply being a canvas for engaging brand campaigns. While OOH is the perfect media for bridging the real world with the digital world, when combined with targeted social it has the power to create a ‘halo effect’ that influences consumer digital behaviours even if completely subconscious, long after seeing an OOH ad.

Social media marketing is a crucial channel for advertisers and brands. With 45% of the total world population using social media, social is one of the most powerful channels for targeting audiences. The combination of OOH and social media can create a symbiotic relationship in which each channel can complement and optimise the other.


When OOH and social media strategies are combined, the reach of a marketing campaign can be extended and amplified from a physical to a digital level. There is a myriad of ways that this marriage of advertising channels could take place, ranging from a simple hashtag to an immersive augmented reality advert, like Pepsi’s. Advertisers are utilising OOH more than ever to drive consumers to interact and engage through social media, and even to transact through their platforms. OOH audiences are young, digitally-minded, and connected individuals that use social media as a part of their everyday life – and this very much includes how they interact with brands and make purchases.

Social media platforms can prosper from the increased visibility that OOH adverts bring about, as they leverage their location and content to push consumers to their online platforms. This combination enables brands to increase their conversion rate of potential buyers within just a few clicks.


We always recommend our clients to support their campaigns with targeted social, as it adds a whole new dimension to a campaign. In short, the marriage of online and offline marketing channels such as social and OOH create truly synchronised campaigns, by increasing brand awareness and encouraging customers to continue the conversation with their favourite brands online, culminating in an increased likelihood of them making a purchase. 

For a more in-depth take on the power of combining OOH and social media, check out the following article by Broadsign: https://broadsign.com/blog/digital-out-of-home-and-social-media/


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