Don’t be Stationary to get your Stationary.

We teamed up with Ryman on a genius campaign aimed at UK students… 📚

The goal? To let them in on their spot-on student promo, timed to perfection during freshers.

Excellent use of multiple creatives with different CTAs, including a localised video for each student accommodation, revealing the short proximity of their nearest Ryman store. Need a quick fix? Well, walking to a store is faster than purchasing online :walking:

Utilising our Student Panel, we tapped into the perspectives of students’ to understand their thoughts on the campaign and found out that –

:no_good: – 50% were not aware of Ryman prior to seeing the campaign on the screen in their accommodation.

:shopping_bags: – 36% had previously purchased their goods or services.

:books: – 56% intend to use the student discount to purchase goods or services relevant to their studies.

:printer: – 60% were not aware of their printing and binding services prior to the campaign.

:round_drawing_pin:– 50% would consider going to their nearest Ryman store for convenience, instead of purchasing online.

Charlie from St Mary’s student accommodation summed it up perfectly:

“I regularly need stationary, so it’s a relief to see that there’s a store close to my halls. Now I can just pop in as it will be quicker than ordering online.”

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