Accommodation to Always: Build Life-Long Loyalty with Gen Z.

The foundations of brand loyalty often start at a young age. Maybe through a sense of nostalgia, those brands that we associate with a simpler, joyful time, often remain our go-to’s in later life.

These brands mastered the art of captivating our interest before we knew what we were looking for, consistently met our needs, and established a bond that has withstood the test of time. The purple packaging, that Phil Collins Gorilla ad – for me, Cadbury’s stands out as a brand that engaged me from a young age and that continues to this day. 

Why Home is Powerful 💪

From Freshers’, to forming life-long friendships, to graduation, a student’s time at university is filled with significant moments that will stay with them throughout life, many of which take place within their university accommodation. 

With our platform, brands have the opportunity to engage with Gen Z all year round and stay connected with them in their homes, where they spend the majority of their time and make many of their important decisions.

Repeat Exposure 📈

The accommodation buildings in which we have screens typically have an array of facilities available to students including gyms, study areas and cinema rooms. This setup reduces the necessity for students to leave their homes and as a result, they tend to spend most of their free time here. It’s no surprise that 95% of all online purchases happen in university accommodation*.

Our screens are strategically located in receptions, lift lobbies and parcel collection points, allowing brands to capture their attention at multiple touch points throughout the day.

Gen Z represents a group filled with curiosity, open to new encounters and experiences. By capturing their attention today, brands have a unique opportunity to secure a lifetime of trust and loyalty 🔑 

And what better environment to foster this connection than inside their university accommodation?

Yasmin – Student at Crown Place Accommodation:

“Me and my friends walk past the digital screen everyday as it’s located near the main lifts and entrance to the building. Because of this, I’m always drawn to see what adverts are showing”

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